Transitions To Greatness

Gang Prevention, Stop the Violence.
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Mission Statement

Transitions To Greatness Mission

OUR GOALS ARE TO REDUCE VIOLENCE, CREATE PEACE AND SAVE LIVES. Transitions To Greatness Foundation (TTGF) is a community-based violence reduction and gang prevention & intervention foundation located in Compton California. Our primary focus is to reduce violence and to engage with gang members to intervene in conflicts to try to form a peaceful solution. Also to bring rival gangs together to create cease fires to reduce violence in the Community. On the prevention prong of the TTGF, we are committed to reaching out to the youth, ranging in ages from 10 to 18, to give them the information they need to make an educated choice about joining a gang. TTGF will also be at local parks and speaking to the youth at schools about the consequences of joining a gang. Our goals are to reduce violence, create peace and save lives.

Transitions to Greatness accepts Donations. Support Us!

Transitions to Greatness Volunteer picture

Transitions to Greatness, Support our Children

Transitions to Greatness need support in stopping gang violence. The community has to be involved to do this, we need the community to be vigilante in stopping Gang Violence.
Transitions to Greatness Non-Profit picture

Transitions to Greatness, Stop Gang Violence

Transitions to Greatness needs support to stop gang violence. Transitions to Greatness provides Mentorship and Gang Intervention.
Transitions to Greatness Morality picture

Transitions to Greatness, Non-Profit

Our Communities are in action to stop gang violence, Transitions to Greatness has a moral obligation to the Community to stop gang violence.